What can we say we love a good family board game so when we were asked to give an honest review in return for a copy of this game we jumped at the chance.
Tactic Games: Word Bingo is great for children and adults to play together, and we especially love a board game that has an added educational element to it.
Want to find out more? Then read on…

A Little from Tactic Games
Compare the words and letters – before the time is out!
The cards give you the topic, the board gives you the letters. Come up with words that start with the letters on your board and suit the topics before the sand runs out. The special cards provide curveballs that change the game when you least expect it!
Word Bingo is perfect for any get-together!
Suitable for families as well as groups of friends.
The straightforward rules are easy to learn.
The Design
The game comes in a brightly coloured, sturdy box that is sure to grab the interest of any child, and it’s nice to know the company has a good green process when making the games.
The box comes with 6 boards all brightly coloured and each one different, much like a bingo card, but has letters instead of numbers. A small hourglass for timing, a set of 110 subject and special move cards and 80 punchboard tokens for you to cover up all those letters! The game itself is designed for 2 to 6 players but there is nothing against you purchasing more copies and having a mass word bingo game!
The rulebook is very clear and easy to follow, which again is perfect for families especially if it’s something quick and easy that you are after to play. In fact I must admit we looked at the rulebook once and managed to play a game knowing what we should do. I would like to point out I am usually the person in the family that has to read rules and gameplay instructions at least four or five times!!!
Object Of the game
Quite simply the object of the game is to get a line of your letters (in any direction) covered before you opponents, but there are a few things that need mentioning…
1) You are being timed, once the time runs out your turn has ended
2) There are special cards, allowing you to steal a token from another player, move a token or get a free token yourself. Our particular favourite, or should I say my sons was the skip a player card… I hit a particularly bad stretch of luck and didn’t get a go three times in a row!!!
3) The subjects are all aimed at families, and there wasn’t one question we had to skip because our son didn’t understand it. The cards are very easy to read and contain subjects like “A girls’ name, A liquid, something slimy” etc
Some Gaming shots

Our thoughts
Be prepared for chaos! “Joystick, joystick, joystick, jellyfish, jaguar, joystick” was shouted what seems like a million times as he was fixated on getting something to fill the elusive J space!
It’s fun, fast paced and we did find that our son listened and took in our answers so he could use them next time. Words that we said that he didn’t understand he asked and learned their meaning, so not only was it fun but it had that sneaky educational aspect that we love!
This is a definitely a game that will stay with us for a long time, and since we received a copy (about two weeks ago) we have played it over twenty times which for board game people like us is high praise indeed!
Rules Of Dadding rating:

This game would be brilliant for Christmas Holidays or indeed as a Christmas party game to play with the whole family!
Where to Buy?
Word Bingo is available at The Range and is priced at £24.99
Click the link to buy: