A theme park based on our family’s favourite thing. Yes, that’ll do nicely!
Ever since Monkey was small, we have played Lego. We’ve bought him sets, we’ve bought ourselves sets and he’s bought us… nope (wishful thinking)
So, when we got a chance to go to Legoland the answer was a resounding “Can we stay forever?!”
The answer to that is no. But you can stay until 5pm (on a Sunday, when we went)
The tickets cost £30 per person as we booked in advance. This is crucial for saving some of the pennies. Otherwise, it’s £62 on the day!!!
The park is advertised for children aged 3 -12, which is absolute nonsense as I’m 39 and Ben is 45!
So, we arrived, excited for the day not knowing what to expect, as we didn’t want to overly excite ourselves too early in the day. Lego figures and displays line the long drive up to the car park which only entices the excitement out little by little. We park, using the priority car park (it does cost extra) but you are that much closer to the main gates you can almost smell the Legos!
We were one of the first ones there, which gave us ample opportunity to grab a map and start planning with only 8 hours to cram as much in as possible it was vital.
At this point I hope you get the image of us dressed as members of a SWAT team with flashlights and body armour, plotting our course to swoop down on the bad guys… and now you are also getting the impression that yes, we are LEGO MAD!!!

We decided to go with the tactic of going to the very furthest point we could and then work back to the entrance and the shop (eeek!)
So, the time came, and the Park attendant did a good job of announcing the park was going to be opened by counting us down from 10 – 1 on 1 everyone cheered and that’s when it happened STAMPEEEEEEDDDDDDDDEEEEEEE!
Everyone was running everywhere! It was bedlam but felt completely natural I started running as everyone else was… I think I let out a few shrieks of excitement, but I managed to stifle something along the lines of “this is F*%$ing awesome!”
Looking back this could have been quite dangerous and i could have been slightly ashamed of myself for joining in, but that’s wishful thinking, and lets be fair, I’d do it all again!
The day
I don’t want to give too much away at this point, instead I shall let the pictures speak for themselves and leave you with some Positives and Niggles
The day was busy, with lots of walking I would definitely where your most comfortable shoes!
We managed to go on about 10 rides and the longest queue by far was for Mythica Augmented Reality (A.R) at just under one hour, but I should say that it was well worth the wait!
The queues were bearable, and they had some awesome stations in queuing lines where you could leave the kids to watch Lego films, T.V episode or even play on a park whilst being able to see them the whole time.
Having access to buy the Legoland exclusive Lego was cool, although I hope they plan on releasing the whole Mythica range as that would be awesome.
Drinks were readily available and if you bought the refill cups you could go to any station or food establishment and refill. They are all around the park. We definitely do not condone and did not drink our sons and then refill…
The rides seemed to look fully accessible, and the park was clean, and I don’t know how they did it but also wasp free! The staff were friendly and courteous and when approached couldn’t do enough to help.
Food prices were high and often there were not enough people serving to ensure swift service but the food on offer was good.
The opening times being what they are there is absolutely no way you are going to get on all the rides, much like Disneyland/world… even with the extremely pricey £70 fast pass! So, if you can go over a couple of days.
I do have to add we looked at a night in the Legoland hotel, but prices for 3 (2 adults and 1 child) were over £900!!
Overall, if we had planned a few days to do the park it would have been awesome. As luck would have it, we didn't, but we still had an awesome day!
Rules of Dadding score:
